Monday, December 1, 2014

Wahoo! The mystery has begun!  If would like to try something new with hundreds of other people from around the world, join in Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt.  The first clue was given out on Black Friday.  I went shopping with my mother-in-law and sister-in-law so I didn't actually start on it until Saturday.  This is my first time using the Easy Angle ruler for half square triangles.  I love the accuracy of this!  I feel like I'm using less fabric this way as well.  This is what I have so far.  I have cut all of the black and yellow squares and pieced some of the hsts.  I even have a few (15 or so) completed blocks.  These are not colors that I normally work with, so it is a bit out of my comfort zone.  Eager to see how all of it will go together.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Quilting To-Do List

I'm sure many of you quilters and other crafters have to-do lists.  Lists that help to remind us of what we started and need to finish.  Well, I have quilter's ADD.  I get started on a project, get on a roll, have to put it aside, and get distracted by something else.  Because of this I have more started projects than finished projects.  My goal is to get some of these finished.  Can I stick to a list?  We'll see. 😝.

1. 20 headband earmuffs for my mother-in-law to use as Christmas presents. (Really need to sit down and knock these out!)

2. Name wall hangings. (6- 4 for my fellow teachers at college and two for my sons' teachers)

3. Bryce's quilt. (Put together a back, sandwich, quilt, and bind.)

4. Dallas' quilt (Finish the back, sandwich, quilt, and bind.)

5. William's quilt. (Finish top, create the back, sandwich, quilt, and bind.)

6. Billy's quilt. (Finish top, create the back, sandwich, quilt, and bind.)

I am also working on a red, white, and blue string quilt and have several other UFOs (unfinished objects).  Let's see what I can get done!  I will try to take pictures and update as I go.

What will you be working on as the holidays approach?  Do you have a list?


Thursday, October 16, 2014

Jumping into the blog world!

Well, here I go.  I have seen some amazing blogs and occasionally get lost in the wonderful world of other people's lives.  I have decided to jump in and try it.  Why blog?  Here are the reasons for me:

1. I love to craft (especially quilt) and my husband is tired of hearing me talk about it to him. :)  I need an outlet.  My three boys (3, 6, and 7) don't always enjoy my crafting endeavors.

2. I would like to keep better track of my projects as I go along.  I haven't done too well at logging my projects, finished or in progress.  I am hoping this will remind me to take more pictures and track my progress to celebrate the completes.

3. Bonnie Hunter is starting a new mystery in November.  I am jumping into this project for the first time.  She has a link-up and button for bloggers.  Unless I have a blog, I can't do either one.  I certainly don't want to be left out!

I'm sure I will find more reasons along the way, but this is why I am setting this up right now.  Hopefully I will find some other wonderful bloggers to chat with as well.  I would love to hear from you!  Do you blog?  What projects are you working on right now?

Have a great, crafty day and I will see you again soon!
